Nuestros Talleres

Durante esta experiencia, los participantes fueron guiados por expertos en el campo, quienes compartieron valiosos conocimientos sobre el proceso de creación y producción.

A través de actividades prácticas y dinámicas grupales, los jóvenes se sumergieron en el mundo de la producción, desde la concepción de ideas hasta la ejecución final. Este taller no solo les proporcionó herramientas concretas, sino que también fomentó su confianza y colaboración, creando un ambiente enriquecedor para el aprendizaje. Al finalizar, los participantes se llevaron consigo no solo nuevos conocimientos, sino también un entusiasmo renovado por seguir explorando sus pasiones en el ámbito de la producción.

Taller de Producción Multimedia

Master Class con Daniela Torres

Daniela Torres es una reconocida Actriz de cine y teatro, nos impartió sus conocimientos a decenas de Jovenes interesados en aprender esta diciplina.


Provide a short description of the gallery, highlighting key things.

woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

Los talleres de Cargoz Films a.c. realmente inspiran y fomentan la creatividad en cada participante.

Claudia M.

A large group of people participate in an outdoor festival or cultural event. Many individuals wear colorful, traditional attire with vibrant patterns, and some hold musical instruments. The atmosphere is lively and communal, with people gathered closely together, and a tree adorned with flags or decorations stands prominently in the center. In the background, a modern building is under construction against a backdrop of mountains and blue sky.
A large group of people participate in an outdoor festival or cultural event. Many individuals wear colorful, traditional attire with vibrant patterns, and some hold musical instruments. The atmosphere is lively and communal, with people gathered closely together, and a tree adorned with flags or decorations stands prominently in the center. In the background, a modern building is under construction against a backdrop of mountains and blue sky.

Una experiencia única donde el arte y la cultura se unen, motivando el talento de todos.

Juan R.

A group of people are gathered in a historical courtyard with ornate architectural details, including arches and sculptures. Several individuals are standing and conversing, while others are browsing through artwork displayed on easels. The atmosphere appears lively and social.
A group of people are gathered in a historical courtyard with ornate architectural details, including arches and sculptures. Several individuals are standing and conversing, while others are browsing through artwork displayed on easels. The atmosphere appears lively and social.